2nd Grade Kicks off New Unit of Inquiry
Second Grade took their annual trip to the Art Center to kick off their new unit of inquiry. The students did a wonderful job looking through the art work anf tying it to How We Express Ourselves.
Second Grade took their annual trip to the Art Center to kick off their new unit of inquiry. The students did a wonderful job looking through the art work anf tying it to How We Express Ourselves.
Miss Tuttle’s class is working to build an igloo out of milk jugs to connect with our unit How the a World Works (Reusing materials may protect limited resources). We have also been using objects that we would normally throw away or recycle for inquiring play time and using our imaginations. The kids are learning lots and being reflective about how they are helping the Earth.
Hubbell had a number of students who participated in the Des Marathon events this past weekend. Congrats to all who ran.
Actors from the Windy City Players came to perform Emperor’s New Clothes for our students.
The Harlem Globetrotters performed an assembly giving us a lesson on respect.
Hubbell 5th graders paired up with their kindergarten buddies to make slime for their IB unit on experiments. Students had a blast and learned a lot!
Our 5th graders were lending a helping had in the Kindergarten classrooms this morning.
Hubbell has 13 sets of Twins and 2 sets of Triplets this year.
Our PTA has a new website where information will be uploaded for you all to see. Please visit it at https://hubbellpta.wordpress.com/
Click to see important information about registration for next year.