5th Grade Exhibition Kicks Off
Hubbell 5th graders are preparing to showcase their learning through Exhibition on April 16, 2015 from 5:30- 6:30pm in the Hubbell Gym.
Hubbell 5th graders are preparing to showcase their learning through Exhibition on April 16, 2015 from 5:30- 6:30pm in the Hubbell Gym.
How did the oldest employee at DMPS celebrate her 90th birthday today? By shooting hoops, of course! Congratulations to Gloria Bumpus on her special day, and thanks for her great work and dedication to students in the Metro Kids program at Hubbell Elementary School. Click on the image to read more and see some fun photos.
Hubbell is pleased to announce that we have joined Twitter. To follow us go to @DMHubbell
Students in the Science Bound class from Roosevelt came to Hubbell and instructed our students on different science topics.
Students and staff formed a heart on the playground and sent a picture to a fellow classmate undergoing heart surgery. Everyone at Hubbell Elementary wishes 7-year-old Lilia Faber a speedy recovery and a quick return to class. We miss you!
Our 5th grade classes welcomed Mr. Eugene Fracek to discuss Native Americans, their history, culture and experiences for students to understand more about ownership, federal recognition and sovereignty issues and society today. Click on the image to learn more.
​Roosevelt students from Nikki Force’s room worked with Hubbell First Graders in a joint effort.
This is a Picture of a speaker from Cultural All named NITI. She is from Nepal and came to talk to us about Bhai Tika which is a celebration of brothers. Much like Mother’s or Father’s day in the US.
The students are wearing traditional clothing from Nepal. All first grade students participated. Pictured: Niti, Caeiko, Michael, and Miles
The 12th Annual
Iowa Chinese New Year Celebrations
Iowa Chinese Achievement Awards Ceremony
Saturday, Feb. 21, 2015 | Merrill Middle School